How to set up payroll accounting

How to set up payroll accounting

Use payroll accounting to calculate your employees salaries in Poster. Set up staff time tracking, enter payroll calculation and you’ll be able to check the payroll.

Payroll accounting is available in Business and Pro pricing plan.

Setting up a staff time tracking

You can use staff time tracking to set fixed rate per hour, shift, month and percentage of personal sales or sales per shift.  

To start a staff time tracking:

  1. Go to Settings → General in management console.

  2. In Management settings section check the Staff time tracking checkbox.

  3. Press Save

☝️ You can use payroll accounting without setting up a staff time tracking but in this case salary will be added only per worked month or per shift with at least one closed receipt. Fixed rate for hour will be unavailable.

Setting a payroll calculation

Choose one or more payroll methods for each employee position.

To set the payroll calculation:

  1. Go to Access → Positions in management console.

  2. Add position or edit an existing.

  3. In Payroll calculation section enter a fixed rate for this position. You can use per hour, per shift or per month rate at once.

  4. Press Save.

💡 For your employees to get a percentage of revenue and motivate them to sell high-margin categories of products and dishes, in the Payroll calculation block enter the percentage of sales:
Personal sales, so that the percent of the employee’s sales in all or selected categories of the menu is taken into account;
Sales per shift, so that the percent is calculated from all or selected menu categories that were sold during the employee’s work shift.

To select categories of products and dishes that will affect the payroll calculation for each position, click on + Add category next to the Percentage of personal sales or Percentage of sales per shift, and from the list select a menu category and enter a percentage rate for it.

💡 You can add multiple menu categories and customize a different percentage of their sales. Or set 0% next to product or dishes categories that you want to exclude from the payroll calculation.

Checking the Payroll

Check hours, shifts, percents of sales and total salary of your employees.  

To check the payroll:

  1. Go to Finances → Payroll in management console.

  2. Choose a payroll period in the right upper corner.

  3. Choose the employees or the positions from drop-down list to check the fixed rates, shifts and hours worked, sales percents and total salary.

  4. The Total in the lower part of page will show the sum which should be paid to your employees in the selected period.    

☝️ Finances → Payroll will be available in your management console after you set the payroll calculation in Access → Positions.

💡 Payroll account method is:

monthly fixed rate / days in month × days worked.

For example, your employee worked with $1,000 fixed rate from 15th of February till 4th of March. Poster will calculate it like this:

($1,000 / 28 × 14) + ($1,000 / 31 × 4) = $500 + $129.03 = $629.03.

☝🏻 If you edited the salary rate for a position, the historical data will remain unchanged. Poster will recalculate the salary only after changing the calculation settings, i. e. for the current and future periods.

💡 The percentage of personal sales is calculated from the total sales of the selected categories for the employee who opened the receipt.
For example, a waiter earns 5% of the Salads category sales:
• James opened a receipt, added a Caesar salad for $10 and a juice for $2;
• William added one more salad for $10 to this order and closed the receipt.

James earned $1 = $10 × 2 pcs × 5%, because the juice is not included in the “Salads” category and there are only 2 Caesar salads in the receipt. William earned $0 although he added one salad to the order, but James opened the receipt, so he will be the only one to receive a percentage of this sale.

💡 An example of calculating the percentage of sales per shift for the waiters who earn 5% of the “Salads” category:

• 10:00 — James started his work shift;
• 12:00 — he sold 5 salads at $10 each and 5 juices at $2 each;
• 18:00 — he closed the shift and went home.

• 15:00 — William opened his shift;
• 16:00 — he sold 2 salads at $10 each;
• 19:00 — he sold 1 salad for $10;
• 21:00 — he finished his work day.

James earned $3.5 = ($10 × 5 units + 2 units × $10) × 5%, because he received a percentage of his sales and William’s sales, the time of which coincided with the time of his work shift.

William earned $1.5 = (2 × $10 + 1 × $10) × 5%. William didn’t receive any of James’ bonus, because James didn’t make any sales during William’s shift. 

💡 If we take into account the salary as a percentage of sales per shift, where employees of different positions are present simultaneously, then you can adjust the calculation of salaries only for their personal categories: for the bartender — 10% for alcohol, and for the hookah man — 5% for hookahs.

For example, some employees worked simultaneously and the total cash in the register was $10,000 = $4,000 hookahs and $6,000 alcohol. The hookah man earned $200 = $4,000 x 5%, and the bartender earned $600 = $6,000 x 10%.

☝🏻 If there is 1 hookah man and 2 bartenders on a shift, the hookah man will receive $200, and both bartenders will receive the same salary — $600 each. Even if one of them sold 3 cocktails, and the other sold 110 cocktails. Because their salary is not calculated on the basis of the number of products and dishes sold, but only on the basis of sales by category: hookahs — $4,000, alcohol — $6,000.

You can also control your Waiters sales statistics.

Read more:

🎬 How to work with Finances in Poster

— How to add an employee

How to add a transaction in the management console

— How to account working time of your employees

— How to create a position