How to add additional taxes

How to add additional taxes

You can add Sales tax and On turnover tax in Poster to account your products price. You can also add your own taxes, choose percentage and name them.

To create an additional taxes:

  1. Go to Settings → Taxes in the management console.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter tax Name.

  4. Enter tax percentage in Percent field. For example 10%.

  5. In Type field from drop-down list choose:
    On turnover to include tax sum in product cost;
    Sales tax to add tax sum to the product cost.

  6. Save your progress.

💡 In order not to recount the total price of each product which you’ve bought, add taxes during supply.

☝️ If you’ve applied a discount to order on your POS, tax sum will be calculated of products cost with included discount.

To include taxes in products and dishes cost, apply taxes to products.

Read more:

How to account taxes

— How to add supply in the management console

How to add service charge