How to add supply on the POS

How to add supply on the POS

Add supplies on storage to control stock and food cost. Before adding supply, create ingredients and products which would be on stock. 

To create supply on the POS:

  1. Tap in the right upper corner and choose Add supply

  2. In the Supplier field from the drop-down list choose company or supplier who is delivering products. 

  3. Choose storage for stocking products. 

  4. Choose Account which you want to use to pay for supply. 

    ☝️ If you select a cash account, for example, “Cash drawer”, an expense transaction for the supply amount will be added to the cash shift. If you do not select a financial account, then the delivery will have the status “Unpaid” in your management console.

  5. Tap Choose to add products to supply. 

  6. Enter the amount, price for a piece of product and the total amount of supply. 

  7. Tap Add ingredients to add other products. 

  8. Tap Save

💡 Use a numeric pad to enter or edit the amount and price of products. To do this tap < > in the left upper corner of the supply window to move to the next entering field. 

☝️ Supplies on the POS could be added only on iOS or Android applications. If you have web version, desktop for Windows or for MacOS, add supplies in the management console. 

💡 If you did not select a financial account when accepting the supply at the POS register, pay the supplier later. To do this, open the Inventory → Supplies tab in your management console and, next to the unpaid delivery, click Edit, and in the Payment field, add a payment.

☝️ You can’t choose an ordering unit for products which will be on stock on POS. To add supplies in boxes or in packages, add supplies in the management console. 


Read more:

How to add supply in management console 

— How to ingredients movement report