Interview with Samir Shasha

owner of Leopard Rock Hotel

Poster is very elegantly designed. And perhaps the most amazing part has been the level of support, the dedication and the response time has been great.

What’s the name of your business? What’s the story behind it?

Our hotel is called Leopard Rock and it’s named after a rock nearby that the locals call Leopard Rock. It’s a beautiful remote resort in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe, and I’ve been the owner for about six years now.

Have you worked with any other POS systems? Did you encounter any issues?

Yes, I’ve worked with LightSpeed before, and I had some difficulties working with their support team. This encouraged me to look for a different software, and that was how I found Poster.

Are there any changes you’re hoping to see in Poster?

Yes, we’re hoping to see support for multi-currency, this would be particularly relevant in the Zimbabwean market.

And what’s your general experience been working with Poster?

I think the program is very elegantly designed. And perhaps the most amazing part has been the level of support, the dedication and the response time has been great. I used to own a local ISP company, and despite having access to skilled technicians, Poster’s support team has always been able to solve my problems quicker.

Do your employees find it comfortable to work with Poster?

My younger employees find it easier. I think the level of accountability could make some people less comfortable, but for good reason. You know, it’s a level of control and accountability that we never had with the older systems and it’s amazing.

Do you have any plans to expand your business for this year?

Probably not this year, we’ll be focusing on Leopard Rock.

Will you recommend Poster POS to your friends in the restaurant business?

Certainly. I take personal delight in talking about Poster with other hoteliers and restaurateurs. It’s one of the best programs that I’ve been able to find.

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