Booking and orders
Eatery Club
Personalized mobile application in 7 days
1% from transactions + 360 UAH/month
500+ installations
Menu, Reviews, Waiter Call via QR Code
$10/month or $100/year per establishment.
100+ installations
Payment of the bill and tip by QR code in the bill
1.5 - 2% per transaction + $1/month for integration with Poster
25+ installations
Integration with Kaspi
Automatic transfer of the check amount to Kaspi
600 tenge/month
250+ installations
PrivatBank card reader integration
Integration of card readers provided by PrivatBank
1000+ installations
Finance and bookkeeping
Facturación Electrónica Colombia
Integrate and automate POS with billing.
COP $31.000 - $57.000 - $81.000 basado en Poster Plan
25+ installations
Profit and loss report
$10/month for the first establishment and an additional $5/month for each subsequent establishment
1000+ installations
Программный РРО с Poster POS
1000+ installations
Stock deductions on the POS
Deduct items from the inventory directly on POS
500+ installations
Receipt PRRO by SMS
Send fiscal receipt to customers via SMS
$1/mo and $0,02 per SMS
1000+ installations
MARTIPIA. Tips and Reviews
Print QR on receipts for easy tips and reviews
The application is free. We take only % from tips.
50+ installations
Are you interested in integration with third-party service?
Send the name of the service and write how you see the integration to [email protected]
Are you interested in integration with third-party service?
Let's integrate! Write to us by email [email protected]