Recommend Poster and earn 15–30% off customer subscription fees

Talk about Poster

Get a referral and put the link to it on your website.

We do the rest

You don’t need to learn how Poster works, nor help new customers with program setups.

Get the reward

You get your % when a customer you introduced pays a subscription.

Partnership terms

  • You will receive a monthly reward for each customer introduced. As long as the customer keeps extending the subscription, you continue earning. The more customers you introduce, the bigger % you get.

  • Payment will be made after the new customer pays a subscription. Payment frequency is based on the funds accumulated. If you have more than $100 in your balance, you receive payments monthly, if less, then money will be transferred once a quarter.

  • For example, if a new Poster customer chooses the Business plan and pays by monthly subscription, we settle up with you after the third month of subscription. If a new customer pays for a quarter or more, then we pay your reward by the 10th day of the following month.

  • Tо take part in our partnership program you need to place on your website a description of our restaurant management software system and a link to the Poster website with the correct referral link.

  • Send a referral link to cafe and store owners on direct message only

  • Don’t use Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct and other paid advertising services. Creating websites or pages with content similar to with SEO promotion without Poster approval is forbidden.
