How to add a station

How to add a station

Station is the place where dishes are cooked. For example, “Kitchen” or “Bar”. Add a station to send orders there, set up write-off rules and control sales reports by stations.

To add a station:

  1. Go to Products → Stations in the management console.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Write stations’ name. For example, “Bar”, “Kitchen”.

  4. Select Print tickets to send orders to this stations.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Restart the register. To do it, close and reopen Poster POS application.

💡 To send the orders from your POS to the cook or barman, set up ticket printing or install a kitchen display — Kitchen Kit.

☝️ To print tickets, make sure your printer and tablet are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Set write-off rules if there are the same ingredients in different storages of one location.



Read more:

How to fill the menu

How to add a dish

How to set up printing tickets to stations

How to configure write-off by storages

How to view stations sales reports