Print product and dishes price tags on A4 or thermal tape

Price Tag Printing

Price Tag Printing

Creating and printing price tags for products

Create templates or use standard ones to get PDF documents with price tags for an A4 printer or thermal label printer. Print the price tags of the products, dishes, and weight items.

Price Tag Printing

Price Tag Printing

Creating and printing price tags for products

About Price Tag Printing

“Price Tag Printing” is an app for generating price and printing tags for your products, dishes, and weight products. Use templates or сustomize your own to create a PDF document with price tags and labels for a thermal printer tape or a regular A4 printer.

Products and dishes

You can filter products by location and display only weight products. Then in the list check the categories or items. 

Print format

Set the size, and the app will generate a price tag for a standard A4 printer or thermal label printer tape. For example, for A4 format printing, you can configure the price tag cropping frames.

Price Tag Templates

Use pre-designed templates, edit them, or create your layouts for price tags and labels. You can add text or variables to them with the price of products, their barcodes, names, date, weight, and price per 100 g. A preview of the template is available directly in the editor.

Packs of weight products

Print price tags for weight items indicating the weight of each position, and the price will be calculated automatically. The weight of the product will be automatically added to the barcode and displayed at the point of sale.

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About the app
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